May 28, 2024
MIS PTA Monthly Meeting May 2024
Date: April 28th (Tuesday)
Venue: MIS Spare Classroom/ZOOM Online
Opening Remarks (Mr. Citrano)
We have already successfully conducted several events this year, including the launch of the Student Council and the Music Recital. We have also recorded sales of over one million yen at the bazaar. Water has been added to the rice fields on the premises, and we are planning various events in the future. We will be holding a summer school this year. We are also scheduled to receive a visit from the Council of International Schools (CIS) survey team on August 31-September 06, including a meeting with a group of parents. I deeply appreciate the understanding and cooperation of all parents.
Event Committee (Ms. Winky)
At the MIS Bazaar held on May 18th, the PTA set up two stalls, the Bouncy Castle and the Drink stall. Perhaps due to the heat, we recorded the highest ever sales (65,750 yen). I would like to thank the volunteers who helped set up and take down the Bouncy Castle and stalls. The remaining drinks will be sold at the next family picnic.
The other events we are planning are as follows. We are considering the same schedule as last year, but if you have any other ideas, please propose them to the Event Committee.
Family Picnic (September)
Terry Fox Run (November)
Staff Lunch (February)
Finance Committee
A resolution is required at the general meeting regarding the FY2024 BUDGET for the 2024 fiscal year. The outline is as follows.
Carryover from FY2023: 2,250 yen
PTA membership fee: 1,875,000 yen
Sales from Bazaar and Family Picnic: 80,750 yen
Total: 1,958,010 yen
Fixed costs: 72,038 yen
Event-related costs: 78,997 yen
Reserve fund: 200,000 yen
Total: 351,035 yen
The remaining 1,606,975 yen will be carried over to the next fiscal year and used as the source of donations for the next fiscal year.
The resolution was passed with the agreement of more than half of the attendees.
IT Committee
The main activities planned for this fiscal year are as follows.
Changes to Google Drive access permissions to match the PTA officers for the 2024 fiscal year, and creation of mailing lists
Review of IT and WEB inventory management
Onboarding of new PTA officers and IT-related support
As a future consideration, we would like to consider introducing a communication tool for PTA officers. There was also an opinion that we would like to use Slack, so we will think about a good idea in the future.
Donation Committee
Last year, after a series of selection processes with the school and parents, we decided to donate a gazebo to be installed in the field. According to Article 41 of the PTA Bylaws, donations are to be made biennially in principle, so no major donations will be made this year. Only donations of books to the library are being considered.
As for the gazebo, which was decided to be donated last year, we are negotiating with Chiba City about the construction period and other matters. The application for construction standards is delayed, so the start of construction will be later than June-July. The current plan is to avoid the summer school period and expect about a week of construction during the summer vacation.
Principal Citrano: During the summer vacation, in addition to this, we are planning air conditioning work as a school facility investment (kindergarten, upper grade school building. Summer school is planned to be held in the lower grade school building, which was renovated last year).
At the bazaar, we received donations of drinks to be sold from volunteer parents. I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude.
PR Committee
The main activities for this year are as follows.
Creation of PTA meeting minutes
Updating the PTA website
Issuing the PTA newsletter
Bylaws Committee
The Bylaws Committee is responsible for revising the PTA Bylaws. Last year, we made the following four revisions.
Article 10: Added the collection period for PTA membership fees to the bylaws.
Article 28: Regarding the resignation of officers. Many officers are resigning this time, but we added a clause recommending participation as an observer for the main purpose of handover after resignation.
Article 41 3. Regarding the purchase of donated items. Added that it should not exceed two years in principle.
Article 34: Added the scope of duties for the IT Committee.
The next meeting will be on June 18th (Tuesday) from 12:15.
日時 5月28日(火)
場所 MISスペアクラスルーム/ZOOMオンライン
今年度もStudent Concilの始動やMusic Recitalなどすでにいくつかのイベントを実施・成功させることができた。バザーについても、100万円を超える売上を記録している。敷地内の田んぼにも水が張られ、秋の収穫に向けて生育している。
5月18日に開催されたMISバザーでは、PTAはBouncy CastleとDrink屋台の2つを出店した。暑さもあってか過去最高の売り上げ(65,750円)を記録した。
Bouncy Castleや屋台の準備・撤収を手伝ってくれたボランティアに感謝する。なお、残りのドリンクは次回のファミリーピクニックにて販売予定。その他予定しているイベントは以下の通り。前年と同様のスケジュールで考えているが、他に何か案があればイベント委員会までご提案いただきたい。
(JP)MIS PTA規約2023_v01.docx.docx(EN)MIS PTA Bylaws2023_v01.docx.docx(EN)MIS PTA Bylaws2023_v01.docx.docx