February, 2023

MIS PTA Monthly Meeting February 2023

Venue: Zoom Online / MIS

Date: 21st Feb. 2023

Attendees: Mr.Citrano,PTA President,PTA Officers


1.  Termination of Activities for the FY2022

2.  Activities in FY2023

3.  Report from Each Committee( Event/PR/Donation/Account/IT)

4.  Election of MIS Trustees

5.  Others

1. The activities of the PTA board of directors for the fiscal year 2022 ended at the end of 

    February. The general meeting will be held on 7th March at 12:15~.

2. We have 3 people who stand as a candidate for the three positions for FY2023.

    Thank you to Mr.Scott Carnahan,Mrs.Yukie Yoshida,and Mrs Megumi Sugimura.

    Mr.Kimura will continue current position.

3. Report from Event Committee

   ・Prepare for Teachers and Staff Appreciation Luncheon on 22nd Feb.

   ・Review of FY2022

   ・Planning for FY2023

      Bazaar / Uniform collection planning(will ask to G6 parents to bring their uniforms)

      Crosswalk committee / Event Committee will need more active members as events


   Report from PR Committee

   ・Making a letter for recruiting new PTA officers and Google form for the next year.

   ・We’ll send the invitation letter for the general meeting soon.

  Report from Donation Committee

   ・We donated books last month.

  Report from Account Committee

  ・Budget report of FY2022

  Report from IT Committee

  ・About Google Drive, it’s 10 people can log in at the same time so once you login,you 

     need to logout each time after you use it.

4. Election of MIS Trustees

   Two parents are on the board of trustees of MIS, a school corporation. As one of them is planning to retire and the secretariat is looking for a trustee for the next term.Mr.Hamamoto(

a board member) has asked us to elect two board members from the PTA board in order to 

stabilize the operation.Mr.Kimura has taken the liberty of agreeing to this.Therefore we are looking for a candidate.These two slots are originally for graduates of the school,so they will be filled by graduates in the future. In this meeting, Mr.Muto was accepted to join the MIS Trustees. 

5.Proposal from Mr.Kimura

 We really need active members and as I’ve been suggesting from the last meeting,we are going to try “1 parent from 1 class”. If we don't have enough members by April,we will try to ask another candidate who can participate in the PTA activities in May and June,so we hope we will be able to have enough officers eventually. 

MIS PTA 役員会議

場所:Zoom オンライン/ MIS 


出席者:シトラノ校長、PTA 会長、PTA 役員

議題:1. 2022年度の活動期間終了について

   2. 2023年の取り組みについて

   3.各委員会からの報告(イベント・PR・寄付・会計・IT )


   5. その他




  Scott Carnahanさん、Yukie Yoshidaさん、Megumi Sugimuraさん、どうもありがとうございます。現会長の木村さんは次期会長を引き続き引き受けてくださいます。


・2月22日に行われるTeachers and Staff Appreciation Lancheonの準備 


・FY2023の予定 バザー/ユニフォーム回収(G6の保護者にいらなくなった制服を持ってきてもらえるかを聞く) / 交通安全週間の横断歩道見守りについて/今後イベントが増えることを想定し積極的なメンバーが必要であるということ)













