Extra General Meeting, Jan 2024
MIS PTA Extra General Meeting January 2024
Date: 9th January, 2024
Venue: MIS Spare Classroom/ZOOM Online
Opening Remarks (President Kimura)
In accordance with Article 16 of the PTA regulations, President Kimura presided over the meeting. Although the general meeting is usually held in March and May, this special meeting was held due to the need for an expenditure of over 200,000 yen for purchases and the need to place orders early due to construction schedules. Voting will be conducted using Zoom's voting feature at the end of the general meeting. A proposal will be approved if it receives the approval of more than half of the attendees.
Overview (Donation Leader Muto)
The selection of donated items followed four processes.
In Process 1, proposals were widely solicited from students, staff, parents, etc. In Process 2, several items, including a shade and wooden picnic benches, a house color tapestry, and playground equipment around the field, were narrowed down based on feasibility. In Process 3, as a result of discussions within the PTA, it was decided to choose the shade and wooden picnic benches, which was requested by the school and students. Process 4 was originally scheduled to be implemented in October, but it took time to obtain estimates and was implemented in January.
About the Shade Selection
After obtaining estimates from several companies, it was decided to adopt the shade from Aneby in PLAN A as a result of the examination in the following three plans.
PLAN A: Aneby. 4,810,740 yen (tax included). Parts are made and imported to Japan for assembly. They have a wealth of experience in introducing schools and kindergartens.
PLAN B: Urata. 11,660,000 yen (tax included). Expensive due to the large number of construction processes and the soaring price of lumber.
PLAN C: Urata. 3,850,000 yen (tax included). Although it came out as an alternative to the expensive PLAN B, it was judged that it could not sufficiently block sunlight and wind because it was a simple one with only a roof and pillars.
As of January 9, the balance in the PTA's account is 2,381,348 yen. Adding the PTA membership fee of 1,978,515 yen, which is scheduled to be deposited in February, and subtracting the necessary expenses of 72,650 yen by March, the estimated contribution from the PTA is 4,287,213 yen. The school will provide assistance for the difference from the estimate from Aneby.
Q&A and Supplementary Explanation
Q- Why was it decided to introduce the shade?
The school has been setting up a large commercial tent on sunny days and during events, but considering the time and effort, as this is a windy area, there have been requests from students, parents and staff for several years seeking stable shade. It was not a shade from the beginning, but a shade remained after various examinations.
QHow many children can rest? Isn't there enough space with just one?
About 30 people can enter the shade at once. The image is that the number of people in one class can rest during recess time. We considered a slightly larger size, but gave up due to the cost. If the response to this shade is good, we would like to consider adding more.
President Kimura - I will provide additional information that was to be confirmed with Aneby, which were brought up in the previous PTA regular meeting. The shade has Aneby's warranty that it can withstand a wind speed of 60 m/s. Also, since it is considered playground equipment, no application is required to the local government.
The proposal was approved as 13 out of 14 meeting participants voted in favor.
日時 11月21日(火)
場所 MISスペアクラスルーム/ZOOMオンライン
Process 3において、PTA内での協議の結果、学校・生徒からの要望の強かった東屋に決定した。
Process 4は本来10月に実行される予定であったが、見積もり取得に時間を要し1月の実行となった。
3. 東屋選定について
複数の会社から見積もりを取得、以下3案にて検討の結果、PLAN Aのアネビー社東屋を採用することとした。
PLAN A:アネビー社。4,810,740円(税込)。部品を作って日本へ輸入・組み立てる。学校や幼稚園への導入実績が豊富。
PLAN B:ウラタ社。11,660,000円(税込)。工事工程の多さ及び木材価格高騰から高額。
PLAN C:ウラタ社。3,850,000円(税込)。高額なPLAN Bの代案として出てきたが、屋根と支柱のみのシンプルなものであるため日差しや風を十分に遮れないと判断。
4. 支出金額
5. 質疑応答および補足説明
Q - なぜ東屋を導入することとしたのか。
Q - 何人くらいの子供が休めるのか?一つだけでは十分なスペースがないのではないか。
木村会長 - PTA定例会議での宿題となっていたアネビーとの確認事項について補足する。今回設置する東屋は風速60m/sまで耐えることができるメーカー保証あり。また遊具とみなされることから、地方自治体への申請は不要。
6. 投票