December, 2023
MIS PTA Monthly Meeting Dec 2023
Date: December 19 (Tuesday)
Venue: MIS Spare Classroom/ZOOM Online
Regarding the structure for next year (list at the end of the text), N.W has been nominated as the leader of the Event Committee.
The Auditor is still undecided due to concurrent duties. We will continue to discuss this.
Report from the Event Committee
The Teachers & Staff Appreciation Luncheon has been decided to be held on February 22nd. We will be asking for volunteers (for preparation of photo booths, decorating the room, etc.) through Google Form.
Report from the Accounting Committee
Regarding the collection of this year's PTA membership fee, it was initially planned to be done in October this year, but it was decided to collect it in January next year. The amount remains the same as before, 5,000 yen per child. The money is expected to be deposited into the PTA's account in February.
Report from the Donation Committee
As a result of discussions and considerations with the school, we would like to order Aneby's “Palma”.
The total amount exceeds 200,000 yen, it is necessary to hold a temporary PTA general meeting in accordance with Article 41 of the PTA regulations.
The difference from Aneby's estimate will be supported by the school, and Aneby will be paid by both the PTA and the school.
The settlement of fractions will be discussed later, in conjunction with the timing of next year's membership fee collection. It has been confirmed that Aneby can be paid in advance or afterwards.
The construction period itself would be approx three days. If it is decided and ordered at the general meeting in January, it is expected to be installed before it gets hot in June.
It is necessary to confirm with Aneby about the need to apply to the local government depending on the installation area, after-support in case of falling due to strong winds, and fire insurance coverage.
It was confirmed that the school will be responsible for maintenance and management after installation, and the specifications will be made under the agreement of the PTA and the school.
All 14 officers attending the meeting approved the holding of a temporary PTA general meeting on January 9th (Tue) from 12:15 pm to 1:15 pm.
Report from the Rule-making Committee
Regarding the revision of the PTA regulations, the following three points were approved by the officers attending the meeting. It is scheduled to be proposed at the next PTA general meeting.
Article 28, about the resignation of officers. Many officers will resign this time, but we added a sentence recommending participation as an observer mainly for the purpose of handover after resignation.
Article 40 3. About the purchase of donated goods. It was added that it should not exceed two years in principle.
Article 33 Added the scope of duties regarding the IT committee. (Confirmed in the past PTA meeting)
Next PTA Monthly Meeting will be held on 16th Jan,2024.
日時 11月21日(火)
場所 MISスペアクラスルーム/ZOOMオンライン
Teachers & Staff Appreciation Luncheon は2月22日の開催を決定。Google Formにて、追ってボランティア(フォトブース等の準備、部屋の飾り付け等)を募るのでご協力をお願いしたい。
臨時PTA総会を1月9日(火)12:15pm -1:15pm.にて開催することに関して、ミーティング出席の役員14人全員の承認を得た。
第40条 3. 寄贈品の購入について。原則2年間を超えないことを追記。
第33条 IT委員会に関する職務範囲を追記。(過去確認済)