PaST Meetings
PTA Board Meeting 17th Jan. 2023
Date 17th Jan 2023
Venue Zoom Online / MIS
Attendee Mr.Citrano,Mr.Kimura,PTA officers
1. PTA Membership Fee
2. Resigned PTA Officer
3. Report from Event Committee
4. Report from Rule-Making Committee
5. Report from Donation Committee
6. Report from IT Committee
7. Others
1.PTA Membership Fee
¥1,970,000 was collected as PTA membership fee for FY2022.
2. Resigned Officer
Mr.Jon Clemons As Term3 is only 2 months left so the leader of the Donation Committee will be chosen in the next new term.
3.Report from Event Committee
We’ve just done stamping for all donated books and they all brought to each classroom
Plans for Term 3
*Teachers and Staffs Appreciation Lunch (22nd Feb.)
・Volunteers are requested:The committee will send a form for parents.
・Safety measures:Hand sanitiser,Masks,Plastic globes etc
・Other considerations: Time of the lunches —-- It’ll be different for teachers from different grades.
・Budget: Up to 5,000yen
・Planning for decoration: 14th Feb.
・Set up day: 21st Feb.
*Thank You Cards for Teachers and Staffs (by 21st Feb.)
・Set up post boxes in each class.
・Sorting/Decorate in the luncheon Room
4.Report from Rule-Making Committee
We have to select the PTA Executive Committee before the general meeting. We’re going to make a form to make sure who would like to run the committee or to nominate for these positions.
5.Report from Donation Committee
*Words from Mr.Citrano
Donation books were all sorted by grade and the kids were so excited to see those new books had arrived at their classroom library. We highly appreciate your support for the school.
The Donation Committee will report the list and purchase amount next month.
6. Report from IT Committee
Mr.Nakagomi will take Mr.Clemons name from the PTA mailing list.
7. Others
Proposal from Mr.Kimura
・The PTA board of MIS has been run completely on a volunteer basis.
This subject was discussed from last year, and we propose that at least one board member
be elected from each class(18 classes) and be asked to participate in activities for a year with responsibility.
We discussed how to connect the PTA and the families in MIS and it’s important to make
more engagement between the PTA and the families. Also we talked about the number of officers.If it’s difficult to run 1 person each class, we consider another option like 1 person each grade.(9)
Next meeting will be on 21st Feb.
議題: 1. PTA会費
2. 辞任した役員
3.Event Committeeからの報告
4. Rule-Making Committee からの報告
5. Donation Committeeからの報告
6. IT Committeeからの報告
2. 辞任した役員
Mr.Jon Clemons 彼の辞任によりDonation Committeeのリーダーが不在になりますが、3学期が残り2ヶ月であることから、次期リーダーは来年度に新しく選ばせていただきます。
3. Event Committeeからの報告
*Teachers and Staffs Appreciation Lunch 22nd Feb.
・安全対策 手指アルコール消毒薬・マスク・ビニール手袋など
・その他 ランチの時間帯 学年によりランチの時間が異なるためスケジュールの確認が必要。
・予算 ¥5,000まで
・室内デコレーション準備 2/14
・セットアップ 2/21
*Thank you cards
4. Rule-Making Committeeからの報告
5. Donation Committeeからの報告
6. IT 委員会からの報告
中込さんが Mr.Clemonsの名前をPTAメーリングリストから削除してくださいます。
MISのPTA 役員は完全なるボランティアとして運営されてきました。昨年から議論されてきたことですが、各クラス(18クラス)から最低1名の役員を選出していただき、責任を持って1年間の活動をお願いすることを提案します。
今日の会議ではどのようにしてPTAとMIS ファミリーと繋げるか、そしてPTAと各家庭の更なる絆が重要なのではということ、また役員の人数について討議され、もし18名が不可能なら各学年から1名(9名)というオプションもあるのではないか、という意見もでました。
PTA Board Meeting 17th Jan. 2023
Date 17th Jan 2023
Venue Zoom Online / MIS
Attendee Mr.Citrano,Mr.Kimura,PTA officers
1. PTA Membership Fee
2. Resigned PTA Officer
3. Report from Event Committee
4. Report from Rule-Making Committee
5. Report from Donation Committee
6. Report from IT Committee
7. Others
1.PTA Membership Fee
¥1,970,000 was collected as PTA membership fee for FY2022.
2. Resigned Officer
Mr.Jon Clemons As Term3 is only 2 months left so the leader of the Donation Committee will be chosen in the next new term.
3.Report from Event Committee
We’ve just done stamping for all donated books and they all brought to each classroom
Plans for Term 3
*Teachers and Staffs Appreciation Lunch (22nd Feb.)
・Volunteers are requested:The committee will send a form for parents.
・Safety measures:Hand sanitiser,Masks,Plastic globes etc
・Other considerations: Time of the lunches —-- It’ll be different for teachers from different grades.
・Budget: Up to 5,000yen
・Planning for decoration: 14th Feb.
・Set up day: 21st Feb.
*Thank You Cards for Teachers and Staffs (by 21st Feb.)
・Set up post boxes in each class.
・Sorting/Decorate in the luncheon Room
4.Report from Rule-Making Committee
We have to select the PTA Executive Committee before the general meeting. We’re going to make a form to make sure who would like to run the committee or to nominate for these positions.
5.Report from Donation Committee
*Words from Mr.Citrano
Donation books were all sorted by grade and the kids were so excited to see those new books had arrived at their classroom library. We highly appreciate your support for the school.
The Donation Committee will report the list and purchase amount next month.
6. Report from IT Committee
Mr.Nakagomi will take Mr.Clemons name from the PTA mailing list.
7. Others
Proposal from Mr.Kimura
・The PTA board of MIS has been run completely on a volunteer basis.
This subject was discussed from last year, and we propose that at least one board member
be elected from each class(18 classes) and be asked to participate in activities for a year with responsibility.
We discussed how to connect the PTA and the families in MIS and it’s important to make
more engagement between the PTA and the families. Also we talked about the number of officers.If it’s difficult to run 1 person each class, we consider another option like 1 person each grade.(9)
Next meeting will be on 21st Feb.
議題: 1. PTA会費
2. 辞任した役員
3.Event Committeeからの報告
4. Rule-Making Committee からの報告
5. Donation Committeeからの報告
6. IT Committeeからの報告
2. 辞任した役員
Mr.Jon Clemons 彼の辞任によりDonation Committeeのリーダーが不在になりますが、3学期が残り2ヶ月であることから、次期リーダーは来年度に新しく選ばせていただきます。
3. Event Committeeからの報告
*Teachers and Staffs Appreciation Lunch 22nd Feb.
・安全対策 手指アルコール消毒薬・マスク・ビニール手袋など
・その他 ランチの時間帯 学年によりランチの時間が異なるためスケジュールの確認が必要。
・予算 ¥5,000まで
・室内デコレーション準備 2/14
・セットアップ 2/21
*Thank you cards
4. Rule-Making Committeeからの報告
5. Donation Committeeからの報告
6. IT 委員会からの報告
中込さんが Mr.Clemonsの名前をPTAメーリングリストから削除してくださいます。
MISのPTA 役員は完全なるボランティアとして運営されてきました。昨年から議論されてきたことですが、各クラス(18クラス)から最低1名の役員を選出していただき、責任を持って1年間の活動をお願いすることを提案します。
今日の会議ではどのようにしてPTAとMIS ファミリーと繋げるか、そしてPTAと各家庭の更なる絆が重要なのではということ、また役員の人数について討議され、もし18名が不可能なら各学年から1名(9名)というオプションもあるのではないか、という意見もでました。
2022 PTA Meeting
PTA Board Meeting 15th Nov.2022
Venue: Zoom Online
Date and Time: 15th Nov 2022 12:15~13:15
Attendees: Mr.Citrano,Mr.Kimura,PTA Officers
Topics: 1.Determination of committees in which new board members will participate.
2. Regarding Resigned Board Members
3.About Terry Fox Foundation Operations
4.Book Donations
5.Report from each committees
6.CIS Visit Feedback from Mr.Citrano
3.Words from Mr.Citrano.
There were a lot of participants for this event and I think it was the most active event recently. We really appreciated that we could have guests who could survive from cancer. It was such a wonderful opportunity to recognize or understand how they survive and live strongly. In this difficult COVID situation,I think we could achieve our concept of 'reunion MIS community'.The donation is more to come so I will inform you final amount of the donation after 18th Nov.
4.It's been 10 years since the school opened and those books in classroom libraries are aging so we are considering donating new books.We will donate ¥150,000 for each division such as Kinder,Lower Grade and Upper Grade.These books are decided by teachers.We are planning to stamp our sign of "Donated by MIS PTA" on the back of each books.All these books will go to classroom libraries. WE are still discussing how to buy things with the school office.This subject is approved by everyone who attends this meeting.
5.*Report from Event Committee
Review of crosswalk monitoring→We need more follow up for this event.It might be easier if we could have the committee for crosswalk monitoring.
We think that it's really important to set a specific sign for the school zone between AEON Style and the residence.Also we will apply to set the signal around this area to the Chiba Nishi Police Department.
・Terry Fox Run
Thank you so much for supporting and helping those involved to hold this event.Special thanks to Mr.Citrano and teachers and school officers.
・Looking for guest speakers in the Afternoon session in Term3.
・Term3 Teachers /PTA Lunch
Date 22nd Feb.2023
How to organise and volunteer requests.
*Report from PR Committee
We have uploaded the last meeting minutes on our website.
We'll issue the Newsletter in December and the contents will be about those event we held in term2 and the announcement of the general meeting in March 2023.
*Repot from Account Committee
The balance of this term and talked about the budget for upcoming events.
*Report from IT Committee
We have already changed the contact address for our website.We discuss to set the receiver for this address.
6.About CIS Visiting
We had CIS visiting on 7th-11th Nov.
They were really pleased to see how MIS has been running the school and our curriculum,the abilities of faculties.They inspected each division and we will get high grade evaluations.
3.Terry Fox Runの結果について
開校から10年が経過してクラスルーム図書館の蔵書が劣化しつつあるので、新しい本の寄贈を考えています。Kinder,Lower Grade,Upper Gradeそれぞれに15万円ずつとして、教師たちに本を選んでいただきます。寄贈する本の裏表紙などに”MIS PTA 寄贈”のスタンプを押す案が出ています。これらの本は各クラスのClassroom Libraryに置かれます。購入方法などは学校の事務所と相談して決めて参ります。この件は会議出席者全員からの承認を得ました。
6.CIS 査察について
18th OCTOBER Tuesday 2022 PTA Meeting
Venue: Zoom Online
Date and Time: 18th Oct 2022 12:15~13:15
Attendees: Mr. Kimura(PTA President),PTA Officers
①Determination of committees in which new board members will participate
②Collection of Annual Membership Fee
③Terry Fox Run
④CIS Parents Meeting
⑤Report from Each Committees
①This topic was postponed due to absence of person in charge.
②We sent out the information via Hai Hai Mail which announced the PTA membership fee will be collected with school tuition for Term2 on 28th Oct.
③About Terry Fox Foundation Operation.
It will be held on 5th Nov.9:30am~12:00noon.
PTA will do following things,
・set up the event venue
・lap tally
・management of certificates
・removal of the event
We still need a few more volunteers for the event.
④CIS Parents Meeting will be held on 9th Nov. 9am~10am.
We still need 4 parents who will be able to participate on this day.
⑤Report from each committees
・Event Committee
It was successfully done this autumn crosswalk monitoring.(3rd~7th Oct)Thank you to everyone who cooperated with this activity.
The crossing between AEON Style and the residence is quite dangerous so it would be more secure if there are some signs around this area. Mr. Kimura will talk about it to MIS office first.
・PR Committee
All PR officers couldn't attend last meeting so Mr. Kimura made the minutes for us and we updated it to the website later. We appreciated Mr. Kimura's help.
・Rule-Making Committee
The general meeting will be held on 7th Mar.2023 12:15pm~.
The main resolution will be the election of the chairman, the vice chairman and auditors.
We have to decide on these new three officers by December. Mr. Abbot will conduct a web survey to confirm if there are any interests in these three roles.
・Donation Committee
There are no officers from the Donation Committee so we discussed the previous proposal from Mr. Citrano which is to donate books to school and we would like to support it. Also we discussed Mr. Abbot's proposal which is about to fundraise for a sunshade for the school yard, but it's not urgent so we just hold these topics to the next meeting.
・Account Committee No report from this committee
・IT Committee They will have their meeting in the near future.
⑥ Others
About the email address on the website.
議題 ①前回承認された新役員の参加する委員会について
③Terry Fox Runについて
④CIS Parents Meetingについて
②先日10月17日にHai Hai Mail にて2022年度PTA会費を2学期の学費引き落としと一緒に徴収させていただくという内容で、全保護者に配信いたしました。
③Terry Fox Run 当日の活動について
PTA として行うことは会場の設営・ラップの集計・賞状の管理・撤収です。
④CIS Parents Meeting について、現時点では3名の保護者の参加が決定していて、あと4名の参加が必要です。
・Event Committee
10/3~7にCrosswalk MonitoringがPTA ボランティアの参加により行われました。ご協力頂いた皆様、ありがとうございました。
以前からもこの件については声が上がっているので、木村PTA 会長が学校事務所と話し合う機会を作って進めて行く事になりそうです。
・PR Committee
・Rule-Making Committee
PTA 総会は2023年3月7日に決定いたしました。主な決議議案は次期会長・副会長・監査の3役の投票になります。規約により12月までにPTAで3役を内定しなければならないので、Mr.Abbotから3役について関心があるか確認するweb調査を行っていただく事になりました。
・Donation Committee
・Account Committee 報告なし
・ITCommittee 委員会内でミーティングを計画しています。
20th September Tuesday 2022 PTA Meeting
Date: 20th September,Tuesday
Time: 12:15~13:15
Venue: Zoom Online
Attendees: Mr.Kimura(PTA President), Mr.Carnahan(PTA Vice President), PTA Officers
1. Collection of annual membership fee
2. About Terry Fox Foundation Operations
3.Report from the Committees
・Events Committee
・PR Committee
・Rule-Making Committee
・Donations Committee
・Accounting Committee
・IT Committee
4. Others
1. Collection of annual membership fee
As has been the custom in the past, the school office will collect the dues together with the school fees for the second semester.
The PTA will make a formal written request to the school office.
From the PTA bylaws
Article 8
Members shall pay an annual membership fee of 5,000 yen per pupil.
Article 9
The membership fee shall be collected through the school by direct deduction from each member’s financial institution account which is applied for the payment of the tuition.
Article 10
Membership fees are collected on an annual basis. They are non-refundable for any reason once enrolled for the year, and no monthly based installment is applicable even when you are enrolled to MIS.
2. About Terry Fox Foundation Operations
・Date and time of the event
・What the PTA should do
・Lap tally
・Management of certificates
・Removal of the event Form
3.Report from the Committees
・Events Committee
Crosswalk Monitoring
Date 10/3-7 Form.
・PR Committee
・Rule-Making Committee
Date and time of the general meeting:
March 7 12:15 (decided).
The important resolutions are the election of the chairman, vice-chairman, and auditors.
By December, the next three officers must be informally elected.
・Donations Committee
No report from the committee, but content discussed at the meeting.
(Mr. Citrano)
Library books are deteriorating. Can this be enhanced as a PTA donation?
(Ms. Tara McIlroy)
How about having each student recommend a book? This would require a budget of 400,000 to 800,000 yen.
(Mr Kimura)
The Donation Committee will consider whether we should donate books and report back at the next meeting. The Treasurer's Committee will consider whether it is possible to do so with this term's budget.
・Accounting Committee
・IT Committee
4. Others
・ 従来の慣習通り、学校事務局に2学期の学費と一緒に徴収して頂く。
・ PTAから事務局に正式に書面にて申し入れる。
第8条 会員は、生徒ひとりあたり年会費5,000円を納めるものとする。
第9条 会費は、金融機関口座より自動引き落としで学校を通じて徴収する。
第10条 会費はいかなる理由においても返金はしない。退校する際も時期を問わず返金はされない。
2.Terry Fox Foundationの運営について
・ 開催日時
・ PTAが行うべきこと
3. 各委員会からの報告
・Crosswalk Monitoring
実施日 10/3-7 Form
・総会日時 3月7日12:15~(決定)
(Mr. Citrano)
(Ms Tara McIlroy)
(Mr Kimura)
4. その他
21th June Tuesday 2022 PTA Meeting
21th June Tuesday 2022 PTA Meeting
Date: 21th June,Tuesday
Time: 12:15~13:15
Venue: Zoom Online
Attendees: Mr.Kimura(New PTA President),Mr.Carnahan(PTA Vice President1)M,rs.Yokoyama(PTA Vice President2),PTA Officers
1.Approval of new board members
2.Report of Activities
3.Discuss pros and cons of centralizing public relations activities
4.Discuss our upcoming CIS Re-Accreditation Visit and three important ways that you will be involved as parents.
5.Discuss current IT tools usage (email addresses, google drive, etc.) in each Committee.
1.All the nominees were approved unanimously.
Mr.Kimura will get touch who couldn't join today's meeting and make sure which committee they would like to join.
2.Report from Mrs.McIlroy the Event Committee Leader
We confirmed about coming events.
Mrs.McIlroy shared the result of a survey for Game Day and reported about crosswalk monitoring.
3. We've discussed how we issue for each event.
The result: According to the PTA bylaws, each event's issue should be made by each committee which takes part in the event.
4.How to involve as Parents for CIS(Council of International School) visiting.
・Answering to the survey.(MIS had sent it to all parents in April)
・Answering to 3 questions from CIS by 300 words for answering them.
These questionnaire are to Parents,Head of School,Teachers,Students and Board members.
・Meeting with CIS members.(appox.40mins)
5.We’ve discussed how to utilize and the issue of using the IT tool “Google Drive” and E-mail which PTA has been using currently.
2022年6月21日 PTA役員会議
日時:2022年6月21日 12:15〜13:15
場所:ZOOM Online
6月20日~25日 クロスウォークモニター
④CIS(Council of International School) の学校視察について保護者としてCISの監査にどう関わることができるか、Mr.Citranoより説明していただきました。
・CIS からの3つの質問に回答する。1つの質問につき300字以内での回答になります。(保護者・校長・教員・生徒・理事会に対し行われます)
・CIS の方々との面接(40分程度)
⑤現在PTAが使用しているITツール「Google Drive」やメールについて、今後の活用の仕方や問題点を共有しました。
PTA General Meeting
PTA General Meeting
Date 31st May 2022 12:15-13:15pm
Venue Zoom Online
Attendees Mr.Citrano, The Head of School
Mr.Kimira, The PTA President
Mr.Carnahan, The Vice President
Mrs.Yokoyama ,The Vice President 2
PTA Officers 2022, MIS Family Members
1. Introducing New Three Positions.(President, Vice President, Auditor)
2.Accounting Budget for FY2022 Approval
We had a report from the event committee's leader; Mrs. McIlroy, which was about the budget
for upcoming Family Game Days. We have decided to create an item "Misc. Expense" in the
PTA budget from next year and it's approved.
3. Presentation of the Plan for FY 2022-23 (Each Committees)
・Accounting : presented by Mr. Carnahan
・Rule Making : presented by Mr. Kimura
・PR : presented by Ms. Ogino
・Donation : presented by Mr. Clemon
・Event : presented by Mrs. McIlroy (She explained about the event which is held on 25th Jun.)
・IT : presented by Mr. Abbott
We had exchanged and shared ideas for the following questions.
・How to decide on a donation.
・How to increase the number of attendees of the General Meeting.
・How to be involved with school as a family.
1. 2022-23年度 新PTA会長、副会長、監査役の紹介
2. 決議報告 2022年度会計予算の承認
6月に開催予定のFamily Game Dayの予算についてイベントリーダーのMrs.McIlroyから
3. 各委員会から2022年度の活動計画報告
会計委員会 Mr.Carnahanより発表
規約委員会 Mr.Kimuraより発表
PR委員会 Ms.Oginoより発表
寄付委員会 Mr.Clemonより発表
イベント委員会 Mrs.McIlroyより発表
IT委員会 Mr.Abbottより発表
4. Q&A 以下の質問に対して意見交換が行われました。
19th April Tuesday 2022 PTA Meeting
Date: 19th April,Tuesday
Time: 12:15~13:15
Venue: Zoom Online
Attendees: Mr.Kimura(New PTA President),Mr.Carnahan(New PTA Vice President1)M,rs.Yokoyama(New PTA Vice President2),PTA Officers
1.Approval of new board members
2.Approval of leaders and members of each committee
3.Holding of the May general meeting and communication of the agenda
4.Notice of May Evening Meeting
5.How PTA uses IT tools
1.All the nominees were approved unanimously.
2.We have selected new committee members.
3.The general meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 31 at 12:15 p.m. The item for resolution is the PTA budget for FY2022. Matters to be reported are reports on the members of each committee and their activity plans for the current term.
4.A hybrid meeting of MIS classroom and Zoom will be held on Tuesday, May 17 at 5:00 p.m. The main agenda for the meeting is to decide on the activity plans of each committee for the current term. Each committee should hold their own meeting before the next meeting to discuss their activity plans for the current term and present them at the meeting.
5.We’ve discussed how to utilize and the issue of using the IT tool “Google Drive” which PTA has been using currently.
2022年4月19日 PTA役員会議
日時:2022年4月19日 12:15〜13:15
場所:ZOOM Online
⑤現在PTAが使用しているITツール「Google Drive」について、今後の活用の仕方や問題点を共有しました。
15th March Tuesday 2022 PTA Meeting
Date: 15th March,Tuesdaye: 12:15~13:15
Venue: Zoom Online
Attendees: Mr.Kimura(New PTA President),Mr.Carnahan(New PTA Vice President1)M,rs.Yokoyama(New PTA Vice President2),PTA Officer
1. Approval of the nominees for 6 Board of Directors
2.Discussion of PTA operating policies for FY2022
3.Discussion of new management initiatives
4.Approval of the creation of a new IT Committee
5.Election of leaders and members of the five committees
6.Discussion of the calendars of events for 2022
1. All the nominees were approved unanimously.
2. *Change of monthly meeting time.→13:15~14:15 or evening time
*We will make a survey for this topic and will see the result.
We will do a trial meeting on 17th May which will start in the evening.
*Recruiting officers through the year.
*Open PTA activities to more parents in MIS.
3.Take attendance,share the agenda before each meeting.
4.We postponed the discussion as Mr.Abbott was absent.
5.We will make a survey for this topic as we haven't known how many new members will be in each committee.
6.We will continue Road Safety Week.
Bazaar will not be held this year so we will discuss for creating a new event for it.
*MIS had graduation ceremony for elementary shcool and kindergarten on 18th March. PTA had sent a flower stand(please see an attached photo) to the ceremony. Congratulations and wishing you all the best in your future!!
2022年3月15日 PTA役員会議
日時:2022年3月15日 12:15〜13:15
場所:ZOOM Online
日時:2022年3月1日(火) 1:15〜2:15PM
場所:ZOOM オンライン
②Sand Pit Project
④Terry Fox Run
今年度、教職員や保護者含めて200人以上の参加がありました。集めた53万円は、速やかにTerry Fox財団に寄付されました。
⑤Teachers and Staff Aprriciation Day
2月28日に行いました。生徒からのThank you cardsおよびPTAからチョコレートを贈りました。
We held the PTA Extra General Meeting on 1st May 2021.
Date: Tuesday 18st March 2022 1:15-2:15PM
Venue: ZOOM Online
Attendees: Mr.Citrano(Head of School), Mr.A.Hall(Deputy Head of School)
Mr.Taguchi(PTA President), PTA Officers, MIS Parents
Topics: ■ Greeting from the Head of School
■ Activity Report of FY2021
■ Financial Report of FY2021
■ Changing the Bylaws
■ Activity Report of FY2021
1.We could not hold the school Bazaar for 2 years.
2.The Sand Pit Project: The PTA and school worked together over the past 2 years and plan and ensure safety. The total cost of this project was 5,125,000yen and school contributed 1,000,000yen so the PTA contributed 4,125,000yen to this project. After the Sand Pit was installed, the PTA transferred ownership of it to the school, after which the school will maintain it.
3.PTA has been doing this service twice a year. The PTA would like many parents to join this in the future.
4.The Terry Fox Run: Attendees were over 200 including many teachers and parents. PTA and MIS sent all donations (530,000yen) to the Terry Fox Foundation which supports cancer research.
5.PTA had Teachers and Staff Appreciation Day
It was held on February 28th. We handed the thank you cards which students wrote and small chocolate to teachers and staff. They can look at the thank you cards freely anytime.
■ Financial Report of FY2021
Summary of FY2021
Balance from FY2020: 3,584.932yen
Total income FY2021 2,274,508yen
Total Expenditures FY2021 4,947,325yen
Remaining balance 912,115yen
1.With new bylaws, our fiscal year will end on Februrary 28.
2.2021 FY was 2021/4/1 – 2022/2/28
■Changing the Bylaws
★All of attendees approved the new bylaws. (100%)
■ Approval of Leading Officers for FY2022
PTA officers of 2021 approved new leaders for 2022 in advance and asked all PTA members to give them formal power through the approval process.
★All of attendances approved the new leaders for FY2022. (100%)
After this approval, 5 officers including the President and Vice President of FY2021 retired as PTA officer.
New president and retired 5 officers gave speeches.
日時:2022年1月18日 1:30〜2:30PM
場所:ZOOM Online
②Teachers and Staff Appreciation Dayについて
③Crosswalk Monitor について
②2/28にTeachers and Staff Appreciation Dayを行います。今年は、先生やスタッフの方々(約110名)にひとり1,080円のチョコレートを配る予定です。また、生徒たちにサンキューレターを書いてもらい、それをファイルにして渡します。ファイルは、清掃員やバス運転手、バスのアシスタントにも渡す予定です。
Date:18th Jan. 2021
Venue: Zoom Online
Topics:①PTA Bylaws
②Teachers and Staff Appreciation Da
③Road Safety Week
①We have been discussing about 3 major positions should be selected by officers on December first and we all need to get approval in the general meeting on next April.
The Rule Making Committee will inform the schedule about the bylaws.
②This event is going to be held on Monday, February 28th.
PTA is going to send a small chocolate to all staff. The cost is 1,080yen×around 110 people. Also, we are goingo to ask all students to make a thank you card and we will make a file and hand it to each teacher. We will make one file for cleaners, bus assistants and bus drivers and ask them to share it.
③Next National Road safety campaign will be held from April 6th to 15th of 2022.
日時:2021年11月16日 1:30〜2:30PM
場所:ZOOM Online
内容:①sand pitの進行状況
②Terry Fox Run の振り返り
③Road safety week について
①今年度進めてきたsand pitの工事は終了し、19日(金)にテープカットが行われました。
③12/13から17日にかけて、Road safety weekを行います。それに伴い、Crosswalk Monitorsを募集します。Nanohana および Hai Hai Mailにて、当日協力してくれるボランティアを募集する予定です
⑤昨年度Covid-19の影響で行われなかったThe Teacher Appreciation Dayについて、今年度は2月28日に行う予定で進めています。
Date:16th Nov. 2021
Venue: Zoom Online
Topics:①Progress of the Sand Pit Project
②Review of Terry Fox Run
③Road Safety Week
④Revising for PTA Bylaws
①The Sand Pit Project we have been working on this year, had been completed and finally had a ribbon cutting ceremony on 19th Nov.
②About Terry Fox Run which we held on 6th Nov., we have got lots of donations 404,500yen at the moment. And there will be a little more donation eventually. We appreciate your cooperation and look forward to doing this event next year.
③We will held Road Safety Week from 13th to 17th Dec. Accordingly, we are looking for Crosswalk Monitors. We will send the application and information for volunteers via Nanohana and Hai Hai Mail.
④We have been discussing about how to choose a president, a vice president, leaders and officers. We will held extra general meeting for changing the bylaws on February.
⑤We had to cancel the Teachers Appreciation Day due to COVID19 crisis last year. This year we will plan to do it on 28th Feb 2022.
日時:2021年10月19日 1:30〜2:30PM
場所:MIS および ZOOM Online
内容:①sand pitの進行状況の見学
②Terry Fox Run について
①PTAはシトラノ校長、ホール副校長とともに現在工事中のSand Pitを見学、そして確認を行いました(写真参照)。業者への支払いは既に完了しています。
③PTAの役員に関して、新しい会長・副会長・各リーダーは1月及び2月頃選出し、3月の学年末までに引き継ぎを行えるようにして、4月のGeneral Meeting で承認される、という流れはどうかという意見が出ています。それに際し、現規約をいくつか見直す必要があり役員で協議しているところです。
Date:19th Oct 2021
Time: 1:30~2:30pm
Venue: MIS/ZOOM Online
Topics: ①The Progress of Sandpit Project
②Terry Fox Run
③Revision for PTA Bylaws
①PTA went to check and see how the progress of the sandpit project with Mr.Citrano and Mr.A.Hall (Refer to the pictures). We have already done payment to the contractor.
②Terry Fox Run will be held at MIS this year. PTA will meet at 8:30am and start preparing for the event. The gate will open at 9am for all participants. PTA will do setting up tables and other equipments then counting the laps.
All donations that are received on that day, will be kept by Mr.Citrano.
Then all collected money at the school will be transferred to Terry
Fox Foundation under the name of PTA. PTA has already covered the insurance for the event.
③We have some opinions that choosing a new chairman, a vice chairman and each leader. They will be chosen by January or February then taking over work duties by the end of the academic year, March. Then all candidates will be approved at the General Meeting in April.
In this case, we need to revise some rules so we are still discussing at the moment.
日時:2021年9月21日 1:30〜2:30PM
場所:ZOOM Online
内容:①Present situation
Date 21st September 2021
Time 1:15pm-2:15pm
Venue Zoom Online
Topics ①Present Situation
②Autunm Road Safety Week
③PTA Bylaws
①Recent Report from Mr.Citrano
Even though a state of emergency has been declared,we held Sports Day on 25th September with thoroughly taking countermeasures against COVID19 and it was done safely.
Our future plan in Term2 will be as follows.
October: Music Recitals,Book Week
November: Terry Fox Run
December: Winter Performance
②Autunm Road Safety Week
Like PTA did in Spring,we supposed to plan crosswalk monitoring around the crossing near MIS,but we have to postpone as the road construction is being carried out in these areas during September.
We would like to wait and see then consider for monitoring
depending on how it goes.
③About updating PTA Bylaws
We are going back over and revising the existing bylaws. PTA officers will continue to discuss it.
The sandpit for a playground in Kindergarten is under construction.
It is scheduled to be completed in the end of this term.
日時:2021年6月15日 1:30〜2:30PM
場所:MIS多目的ホール/ZOOM Online
内容:①Sandpit Projectの現況報告
②6月17日開催のZOOM Cafe について
Sandpit Projectの施工を担当するアシュモール氏より、遊具に使用する木材やパーツの写真と進行状況が送られてきました。全ての木材にはシロアリ対策が施されています。クライミング・ウォールには3種類の色の木材が使われる予定です。これらを組み合わせいくつかのサンプルが製作されています。工事は、夏休み以外は学校が休みになる週末を利用して行われる予定です。
②6月17日のZOOM Cafeについて
当日の様子や内容はMIS PTA ウェブサイトに掲載する予定です。
・Events Committeeからの提案
秋の交通安全週間、Walkathon、Evening Cafe など
*Treasurer Comitteeが倉庫内の管理・チェックなどを担当する。
We held the PTA Board Meeting on 15th June 2021.
Date: 15th June 2021 1:30-2:30PM
Venue: MIS Multipurpose Hall/Zoom Online
Attendees: Mr.A Hall(Deputy Head of School)
Mr.Taguchi(PTA President)
PTA Officers
Topics: ①Status Report of Sandpit Project
②Zoom Cafe on 17th June
③How to Use a New Storage
④About the PTA Bylaws
⑤Moving PTA's Property to the New Storage
①Status Report of Sandpit Project from Mr.Hall
We've had information from Mr.Ashmore.He's been sending updates and photos of the sandpit project.All woods that he'll use for this project are coated with termite control.For climbing wall,he's going to use 3 different kinds of colour woods. He's also been making some samples using these pieces. The construction will be done on the weekend before summer holiday.
②Zoom Cafe on 17th June
We will have 20 participants,5 panelists, Mr.Citrano and Mr.Hall at the moment. The interpreter will attend this online cafe,
*From Event Committee,
・After this event,we might have another meeting like "Coffee Evening"
・Road Safety Week in Autumn
③The New Storage
・The office will keep the key.
・The School-owned items can be stored in the storage if there is still space,just in case.
・Treasurer committee will take care of what's inside and what we need etc.
④About the Bylaws
Some articles will be changed and confirmed by next general meeting.
We might have an extra meeting before the monthly meeting in September.
18th May 2021 Extra general meeting
日時:2021年5月18日(火) 1:15〜2:15PM
場所:ZOOM オンライン
内容:幼稚園に設置する砂場・遊具について(Sand Pit Project)
① 交通安全週間
② Zoom Cafeの開催
新型コロナウィルス感染症拡大防止・感染予防の観点より、Coffee Morningなどのイベントができない状況が続き、保護者同士の交流が減少していると考え、PTAでは新しくMISに入学された保護者の方たちを中心に、情報交換できる場を作る企画を検討しています。開催日時などの詳細は決定次第ご報告致します。
We held the PTA Extra General Meeting on 18th May 2021.
Date: Tuesday 18th May 2021 1:15-2:15PM
Venue: ZOOM Online
Attendees: Mr.Citrano(Head of School)
Mr.A.Hall(Deputy Head of School)
Mr.Taguchi(PTA President)
PTA Officers
MIS Parents
Topics: Sand Pit Project
Installing a Storage
Present Situation of PTA Activities
*This extra meeting was held for having approval from parents about donating for sand pit project and installing the storage for PTA equipments.
The result of voting was unanimously approved,so we move forward with this project.
*Present Situation of PTA Activities
① Road Safety Week
During 10th-14th May, MIS Parents(Volunteers) and PTA Officers
had guarding children at crosswalks around MIS in the morning
and at dismissal.
② ZOOM Cafe
We haven't been able to hold events like Coffee Morning due to
prevent COVID-19.We concern that the amount of opportunities to
communication with the parents is decreasing. So PTA is planning
to provide opportunities for exchange informations,mainly for
newly enrolled students' families. Details will be announced when
it's scheduled.
* Greeting from Mr.Citrano
Thank you so much for approving this amazing project.
Also I appreciate all parents agree to installing of the storage as the
school will be able to use more space effectively if PTA would have
their own storage.
Thank you for participating in this meeting.
*Greeting from Mr.Taguchi
First of all, I would like to apologise that there was a confusion of
what the PTA position is, and would like to clarify and confirm the
point of view.
PTA is not a group which discussing specific opinions or thoughts
and push these things to the school. We are sympathize and agree
with the school policy and will be active for supporting to make
children's school environments better.
I appreciate you all for joining the meeting today.
Road Safety Week of May, 2021
MIS PTAでは昨年より交通安全週間に合わせて、年に2回ほど学校周辺の横断歩道の見守りを実施していきます。
28th April 2021 PTA Extra Board Meeting
日時:4月28日 1:15〜2:15PM
場所:ZOOM オンライン
We held an extra PTA Board Meeting on 28th April.
The topics as below.
・Introducing new officers and each committee leader.
・New equipment for Kindergarten(The Sand Pit Project).
・Road Safety Week Volunteers
*About New Equipment for Kindergarten
We've been discussing this project for a long time and we exchanged many opinions about contractors.MIS has requested
estimates from two companies and we will get them after golden week.
We deeply consider safety,budget and teachers' needs then will proceed with the plan.
We need to hold an extra general meeting and it would be approved by a majority of those present.
The Extra General Meeting will be held on 18th May.
*Road Safety Week
We still need some volunteers on the 10th May afternoon.
PTA Newsletter
日時:2021年4月20日 1:15 - 2:15 PM
場所:ZOOM オンラインにて
・保護者からの以下の提案 :
3. 毎月のPTA会議のオブザーバーについて:オブザーバーとして出席を希望する方のため、今後の受け入れ方法をPTA役員で検討していきます。
We held the PTA General Meeting for April 2021 as below.
Date and Time: 20th April 2021 1:15-2:15pm
Venue: Zoom Online
Attendees: Mr.Fukaya(Chairman)
Mr.Citrano(Head of School)
Mr.Taguchi(PTA President)
PTA Officers
Subjects of the Meeting
*Greeting from Mr.Fukaya and Mr.Citrano
*Review of PTA Activities by using slide
*Settlement of Accounts of 2020
・From Mr.Fukaya
Report of requesting to set up school zone signs at crossings around MIS; From Chiba Prefecture,It's official to set up the school zone signs at crossings around AEON STYLE. It hasn't been decided yet when the construction will begin.
・Installing a new sandpit; MIS and PTA has proceeded with the project installing a new sandpit in kindergarten ground,and it has been decided.This will provide as avoiding the heat and equipment.It will be installed during the summer holiday.
・An amount of money that PTA can use without going through the General Meeting; PTA can use ¥100,000 without going through the General Meeting so far and there was a suggestion from Mr.Taguchi,would like to raise ¥200,000.The suggestion was unanimously approved.
・Suggestions from Parents at Open Discussion
① Request for the black leather shoes; It is necessary wearing the black leather shoes as these are school uniform.But there is possibility to change their shoes at school.School will consider this request.
②Summer School and Club Activities; Due to COVID-19 and to ensure students safety,these activities will be restricted.
③Observer for PTA Board Meeting
Those who wish to attend PTA Board Meeting as observers,PTA officers will consider how to accept them.
本日、3月19日はK3 & G6 Graduation ceremonyです。
・Meet the Teachers Evenings(先生との顔合わせ)は、園児・児童1名につき保護者1名のみの参加を予定しています。
Teachers and Staff Appreciationについて
On 19th March,MIS held K3 and G6 Graduation Ceremony.
Congratulations on your graduation!! We wish you all the best in your future.
The PTA Monthly Meeting was held on 17th March 2021.
Here are topics we've discussed.
*Present situation of MIS from Mr.Citrano
・We will hold K3 and G6 Graduation Ceremony on the last day of this school year.(Invitation only)
・There is no Opening Ceremony for the new school year 2021 as preventing the spread of COVID-19.
・The school will have "Meeting the Teachers Evening",and one parent can participate for each child.
*Teachers and Staff Appreciation
To prevent the spread of COVID-19,we've decided to give message cards and gifts for teachers and staff. The total of Kindergarten and Elementary School,we've collected 516 message cards and 42 photos via e-mail. These cards and gifts were handed from Mr.Citrano to each teacher and all staff.We appreciated all parents supporting and encouraging the children to do this production.
*About the Storage
The storage for keeping PTA's equipment is on backorder at the moment.
*The PTA General Meeting will be held on 20th April 2021 by online.
Present School Situation
・Parent’s Evening:3月2日から4日に開催
The PTA Storage Unit
Staff Appreciation Day
手作りの郵便ポストを学校内に18個設置したことにより、たくさんのThank you cardsが集められました。
Present School Situation
・MIS had to cancel G5 and G6 trips due to regulation by Chiba city.
The Following Schedule
・Parents' Evening starts from 2nd March to 4th March.
・MIS will not have the Opening Ceremony for next academic year.
・New academic year will start on 2nd April.
・PTA general meeting for new academic year will be held on 20th April.
About The PTA Storage Unit
・We consider purchasing and installing a new storage shed. We'll inform you all when the general meeting is held.
Teachers and Staffs Appreciation Day
・We have been announcing this event through Email, Nanohana and video.
We appreciate teachers and parents' support. We were able to collect a lot of Thank you cards from 18 handmade postboxes that we put in the school.
These cards will be handed with gifts to teachers and staffs on the Appreciation Day.
Next PTA monthly meeting will be held on 16th March, which will be the last meeting of this academic year.
1.Present situation
4.Teacher Appreciation Dayの開催について
3月に行われる、Teacher Appreciation Dayの内容を検討しました。
この件については、内容が決まり次第PTAのNews Letterで生徒の皆様へ周知します。(2月5日発行予定)
The PTA Monthly Meeting was held on 19th Jan.2021.
Here are topics of discussion as follows.
Present Situation
Announcement of current school situation from Mr.Citrano.
About Safety School Commuting
As part of our efforts during MIS Road Safety Week, we've requested to Chiba-city that to put school zone sign around streets near MIS and they approved it. They will put them by next summer.
Looking back PTA Activity in 2020
As COVID-19 situation, we could hold the General Meeting only once.
We are hoping to hold the General Meeting twice in a year next school year according to the bylaws.
Teachers Appreciation Day
We've discussed Teachers Appreciation Day which will be held in March.
We're planning to collect the messages and photos to teachers and staff members (put them in a post that we'll set in each classroom or send them by e-mail), then edit them to a movie, eventually we will give gifts together with it.
About this matter, we will inform all students via PTA News Letter as soon as when the details have been finalized. (The date of issue will be on 5th Feb.)
Next PTA Monthly Meeting will be held on 16th Feb.
15 DECEmber PTA Meeting
1.Present situation
11月24日 (火)から11月27日 (金)の間、交通安全週間が行われました。
4.Teacher Appreciation Dayの開催について
PTAとして、3月にTeacher Appreciation Dayの開催を検討しています。
1. Opening
Mr. Citrano talked about the current situation of the school.
2. Safe commuting to/from school
Road Safety Week was held from November 24th (Tuesday) to 27th (Friday).
While the number of those student, who crosses the road after confirming safety, has been increased, some students still have not worn helmet.
we are planning to hold Spring Road Safety Week from May 10th to 14th next year.
3. PTA public relations activities
We are considering to create newsletter in order increase the awareness to the PTA activities.
4. Teacher Appreciation Day
We are also considering to hold Teacher Appreciation Day in March.
It will be discussed further during the next meeting.
The next PTA meeting is scheduled for January 19th next year.
This week is Road Safety Week
Where MIS PTA performs watching and safety support at commuting paths, mainly at crosswalks that are close to the School.
17 November PTA Meeting
Sports Day
G4-G6 11月25日(水)9:00-11:30
G1-G3 11月26日(木)9:00-11:30
Kindergarten 11月27日(金)9:00-11:30
Twin Day 12月4日(参加費 ¥100)
Play Day 12月11日(参加費 ¥100)
※参加費 ¥100は、Red Feather Campaign Collectionへの寄付となります。
MIS 交通安全週間が11月24日 (火)から11月27日 (金)まで開催されます。
(登校時 8:35~8:50 AM、下校時 3:15~3:35PM予定)
20 October PTA Meeting
Present situation
今後の学校の予定として、Book parade および Sports dayが行われます。いずれも保護者を入れず、生徒のみで行います。
今年度のWinter Performance は行いません。
We had PTA Board Meeting on 20th Oct.2020.
The topics are as follows.
Present Situation
Mr.Citrano gave us an update on the latest school situation.
・Book Week Parade will be held on 23rd Oct
・Music Recitals 26th-30th Oct
・Sports Day 11th-13th Nov
(as the school have already sent e-mail "MIS Special Events Dates")
We will not be able to have parents as spectators at these events.
We will not be holding Winter Performance this year.
For Safety School Commuting
About a result of a survey for Crosswalk monitor around the school, 60 people answered "We need Crosswalk monitor".
On the other hand, there were few candidates who will be able to join volunteer.
Therefore PTA suggested to the school for doing traffic safety campaign in spring and autumn.
MIS also suggested for asking Chiba-Nishi Police Office to supervise traffic safety for students, will give house points to whom wearing their helmet.
Along with that, we will request to Chiba city for safety patrol, installation of traffic signals and school zone sign.
About Playground Equipments
We will keep discussing with the school and the trader.
Next PTA Board Meeting will be held on 17th November.
日時:2020年9月15日 1:15 - 2:15 PM
場所:ZOOM オンラインにて
・深谷理事長より、学校隣地の車両待機・転回スペースについてのその後の報告 : 今後もスペースを使用させて頂けるようにPTAから千葉市に要望書を提出済だが、千葉市としては売却の方向であるとのこと
・保護者からの以下の提案 :
2. 学校ゾーンの看板設置に関する市への要望
3. 生徒登校完了時のメール通知システムの検討
4. コミュニケーションやイベントを促進する存在としてのクラス代表保護者の任命
・Present situation
Mr. Citrano shared with the PTA about the school's situation. It's not possible to hold activities like have in the past, although we'd like to hold some events the current situation requres a different approach. As always, the school will follow prefectural policy and guidelines for any events or activities.
Please check the PTA newsletter on the left for more details!
・General meeting, Sept 15th
9月15日(火) 1:15-2:15pm に、今年度のPTA総会を行います。
・PTA Activity, October 20th
10月20日(火) 1:15-2:15pm に、PTA役員会議を行います。
16 June 2020 PTA Meeting
This week the PTA hosted its first meeting of the term via web conferencing. We discussed how to restart the PTA activities in the next term, and how to adjust our activities to adapt to this new normal. Here are a few highlights of our discussion:
PTA General meeting will be September 15. More details on how to join will be announced when we return in the next term. During this meeting we will accept new officers into the PTA.
The PTA officers from last year are being asked to kindly continue their volunteer work in the PTA for a little longer. We appreciate your continued support and hope that new officers can join us soon.
The annual PTA fee will still be collected in the following term. Without the annual Bazaar, we’re a little behind on our fundraising plans for the new playground equipment, but we’re continuing to pursue this goal and hope to have more updates on this in the near future.
We are continuing to brainstorm and re-imagine PTA activities in this new environment - like having virtual PTA meetings, maybe we can host other social events virtually. Please share your ideas, and we'll share more in our next update.
Congratulations on your graduation
18 February pta meeting
2020年 2月のPTA会議のミーティングで話された議題は以下の通りです。
先日、お送りしたPotluck letterに登録してくださった方々ありがとうございます。現状の新型コロナウィルスにより、残念ながら中止となりました。
In February’s PTA meeting we discussed:
The collection of PTA dues this year - thank you for your continued support for and cooperation in PTA activities. We are still reviewing plans to set up a playground on the kindergarten site. Specific details will be discussed later.
The Teacher and Staff Appreciation Potluck - thank you to those who registered to contribute. Unfortunately, out of an abundance of caution, the Potluck has been canceled due to the current situation with the coronavirus.
About Terry Fox Run: It will be held on April 25. (backup date will be on the 26th in the event it rains on the 25th). We will determine the specifics at the next meeting.
The PTA has submitted a request form to Chiba City asking for MIS to be allowed to use the vehicle waiting / turning space next to the school even after March.
We’ll keep you updated on this topic in our next post.
The next PTA meeting is March 10 (Tuesday).
21 January PTA Meeting
In January's PTA meeting the following topics were discussed:
・ Timing of PTA fee collection next school year
This year, due to the change in membership dues, the collection date was later than in previous years. Next fiscal year the PTA dues will be collected earlier.
・ About PTA membership fees
Regarding the “playground equipment” donation that been talked about in the PTA, one proposal is to set up a playground next to the kindergarten classes. We will collect proposals and estimates from several companies and discuss them at future PTA meetings.
・ About the Teacher and Staff Appreciation Potluck
The appreciation potluck will be held on Monday, March 2. Last year, we distributed a letter announcing the event and explaining what to bring, but this year we're considering a paperless approach by organizing on the web, electronically. More information on the potluck will be sent out later.
・ About Terry Fox Run
The Terry Fox Run, which is usually held in November - which is also a busy time with exams. We received requests from the faculty and staff about changing the timing of the event. We are considering shifting the annual event to late April.
Our next PTA meeting is Tuesday, February 18.
12 Dec General Meeting
Happy New Year and welcome back!
In our 2nd General PTA Meeting of 2019 we reviewed all the activity of MIS PTA and voted on the proposed changes to our Bylaws. The votes submitted by absentee and the votes from everyone present were unanimous in favor of the proposed changes (see the post below for more details). We will amend and publish our Bylaws on MISPTA.COM before the term ends.
Thank you everyone for your support of our PTA!
In this month’s meeting, we’ll plan for the upcoming Teacher and Staff Appreciation Potluck. An update on that will be shared here shortly afterwards.
2019年の第2回PTA総会では、MIS PTAのすべての活動をレビューし、規約の変更案に投票しました。 不在者によって提出された票と出席した全員からの票は、提案された変更に賛成して全会一致でした(詳細については以下の投稿を参照してください)。 私たちはMISPTA.COMに規約を修正して公開する予定です。
今月のPTA会議では、今後のイベントである先生方とスタッフへの感謝のポットラックを計画します。 後日、またこちらでお知らせします。
November PTA Meeting
Our November PTA meeting started with a quick retrospective of this year’s Terry Fox Run. This year the setup was fast, and even with a larger turnout than last year everything went very smoothly. Thank you to everyone that joined the event and helped us have a fun day for a great cause!
Most of our meeting time this month was spent discussing a very important change we want to make to our Bylaws. This change will be voted on at the 2nd General Meeting in December.
1) PTA officers, after several months of discussion, agreed to vote on an increase in annual PTA dues. Please see the proposed change to our Bylaws:
(3)Each member of MIS PTA shall pay dues: three thousand yen (¥3,000) per family for PTA management.
(3)Each member of MIS PTA shall pay dues: five thousand yen (¥5,000) per child for PTA management.
This is the first time in our PTA’s history to raise dues. This change will help fund valuable PTA initiatives that will benefit all our children:
Funding for PTA resources used in organization of annual activities
Funding for special projects (e.g., donation of playground equipment, portable sunshades)
Funding for special events and activities (e.g., teacher appreciation luncheon, coffee mornings)
Funding to build a stronger PTA network that supports our school and children’s future
For more details, and to vote on this change to the Bylaws, please attend the 2nd General Meeting on December 12th at 15:30 in the Multipurpose hall. Those unable to attend may entrust their vote to the Chairman or other representative. An announcement will be sent home with all students.
11月のPTA会議は、今年のTerry Fox Runの出来事を振り返ることから始まりました。今年は準備が早く、昨年よりも多くの参加があったにもかかわらず、すべてが非常にスムースに進みました。イベントに参加された方々、およびこの大きな目的のために私たちを助けてくれた皆様に感謝致します。
変更前:MIS PTAの各メンバーは、PTA運営のために1家族あたり年会費3,000円を支払うものとする。
変更後:MIS PTAの各メンバーは、PTA運営のために子供1人あたり年会費5,000円を支払うものとする。
October PTA Meeting
At the October PTA meeting, two main topics were discussed.
1) Terry Fox Run
We discussed the schedule, items the PTA should prepare, and rules regarding event management. We also clarified how best to collaborate between PTA and school staff to make it another successful charity event.
2) The PTA General Assembly
Following the first round in April, the second PTA General Assembly is scheduled for December 12. November's regular PTA meeting will prepare for a General Assembly, more details to be posted soon.
Terry Fox Run
In this month's PTA meeting, there were two new agenda items to discuss. First, the Donation committee presented some proposals on what we could donate to the school. Last year the PTA helped purchase new swings and horizontal bar for the school playground. And second, there was a proposal that the PTA should increase the number of events we host each year. We'll discuss both topics in more detail at a later time.
Regarding the Terry Fox Run: the venue was reserved at our usual location, Wakaba 3-chome Park. The PTA will run the reception booth and prepare certificates for those that participate. Drinks will be sold by the school, while the PTA will supply paper cups and other supplies for the event. All preparations will be finalized at our next PTA meeting.
・Terry Fox Runについては、会場の申し込み手続きを完了しました。当日のPTA活動は、参加者の受付、および終了後の証明書の配布です。また、ドリンクの販売は学校側が行います。また、紙コップと安全ピンの用意を学校側から求められました。全ての準備手順に関しては、次回のPTA meetingで最終打ち合わせの予定です。
Terry Fox Run
20 AuGust Pta Meeting
In this month's PTA meeting, we discussed a number of topics including Sports Day, last semester's efforts, our technology strategy (including this website), and our plans for better organizing and sharing information about what we're doing with all parents at MIS.
As for events, we discussed our contribution to Sports Day and our PTA hosted event for the semester. The PTA's main event in this semester is the Terry Fox Run. So in this week's PTA meeting we discussed the Terry Fox Run location, timing, and logistics to make sure everything is prepared for another fun charity event for our school and community.
We're really looking forward to another great charity event this year to help our children learn to become responsible global citizens!
June 18th: Bazaar, Plans,
This year's Bazaar was another successful fundraiser, both fun and record setting in what the PTA raised. A big "THANK YOU" to everyone that volunteered and to those that stopped by the drink, popcorn, and bouncy castle stand to support us.
Although this term is nearly at an end, we've started planning for the PTA events in the remainder of this school year, including the Terry Fox Run on November 9 and another Teacher & Staff Appreciation Luncheon (date is TBD in Term 3). If you'd like to learn more about these events, feel free to join us in the next PTA meeting. The calendar of events is up to date and visible above on this web page.
One announcement from June's PTA meeting is that we've decided to adopt and expand this web page. We hope that over the coming months that it will become a useful vehicle for sharing information and communicating our activity more clearly with all parents, teachers and staff at MIS. In the future, we'll plan to post meeting minutes and other announcements here - so please visit us monthly for the latest PTA activities, discussions, and plans.
PTA Booth @ Bazaar
To help raise money for the school, the PTA officers will be running a bouncy castle, cold drink, and popcorn stand at this year's Bazaar! Stop by, have a jump-around, then buy a drink and popcorn to support PTA contributions to MIS (wondering what that might be? When you're at the school, be sure to check out the new playground equipment that was installed this year!)
PTA Bazaar Planning
Our first PTA meeting for this school year, on April 16th, ended with the annual Bazaar planning kickoff. Each year our PTA contributes time, effort, and supplies to help make the event a fun and successful fundraiser for the school. In the previous year, we hosted a bouncy castle, shaved ice, and a popcorn corner for all to enjoy. This year we'll be just as involved, and over the next month our event planning committee will be preparing to do just that. If you'd like to get involved and learn more about MIS PTA's contribution to the Bazaar, please join us in the next PTA meeting on May 21st at 2:10PM.
2019 MIS PTA
MIS PTA: encouraging stronger relationships and lifelong giving. Join us in 2019 to help improve our Parent & Teacher Association. Details in the announcement document.
2019-Feb-18 MIS Staff &
Thank you MIS Staff!
Teacher Appreciation
Thank you MIS Teachers!
And thank you parent volunteers, there were a lot of happy staff and teachers! What a wonderful way to show appreciation!
Playground Update
Great news! Today the final, green rubber matting and swings were installed. After this cures over the weekend, we will do a final inspection, explain the rules for the new swings to the kids, and then hope that our students will be able to begin using the new play equipment next week.
A big thank you for the collaboration between the school & PTA to bring this dream to fruition for our children! - Mr. Citrano
MIS PTA Newsletter